Well, school is close today. Lulu got ready at 730am and when FF sent her to school, it was close. Apparently we didn't get the memo yesterday. The haze has been getting worse lately. This keeps happening every year. Why does the Indonesian keep burning the sawit field? And at the same time every year?! The people/companies that does this should be sued or punished. Because of their doing, other people have to suffer?
Anyway, this means today & esok (Malaysia Day) cuti. But in my case, I got no cuti. Cuti or not, I still have to work. Guess I forgot to mention that I now shoot for ItsyBabies? We're doing a newborn hospital shoot kinda thing. Am currently attached to a hospital in Ampang. So if you guys tetibe nk terberanak ke...dtg to hospital where I am, and dpt la photoshoot free! Haha.
Since yesterday was my birthday, we celebrate by going out for lunch. At Miyagi. Miyagi is a Japanese restaurant in Bangi and is deemed as one of the best Japanese restaurant in Malaysia. But...why in Bangi? I don't know... Apparently the place mmg dah lama ada kat Bangi. We've been there once and I've been longing to go there again. So, my birthday is the perfect excuse. Last time pegi, it was just us and Lulu. Now dah ade new addition, Mimi. Alhamdulillah, makan sedap & kenyang.
See you on the next post!