After Edinburgh, we have one night in Glasgow. Took a bus from Edinburgh (from the bus stop near our hotel) to Buchanan Bus Station in Glasgow. From the bus station, we waited for my cousin to pick us up.
Did I ever tell you that I have a Scottish cousin? No? Well now you know.
His name is Lee. And he is very Scottish. We (our family) just got to know about Lee around 3-4 years ago when his dad told his children about him. No one knew about his existence before and everyone was quite shocked learning about this. Anyway, one thing led to another, the searching began and all, the family found him! It was a bittersweet moment when Lee finally met my uncle. My uncle was sick, and he got his final wish which was to see his long lost son. Not long after, he died. But Lee remain family to us (the Clan, as we call it).
Anyway, Lee brought us around Glasgow in his car and to the two most coveted football clubs' stadiums in Glasgow; Celtic & Rangers! Me & FF, we have this kind of thing we do where we try to visit football stadiums when we go on trips. Whenever we do so, we use the hashtag IFInvadingStadiums, most applicable in Instagram. And we also try (not always possible) to do a #halfhalfview. This hashtag is created by my sister & her husband and the first one I did using that hashtag was Lulu & Mimi's picture in Bali.
Back to the story, we manage to visit the two stadiums and the Glasgow University aka Hogwarts because it looks like it. It is believed that JK Rowling's Hogwarts is an inspiration of this. However, by the time we arrived at the uni, it was dark & they had no lights on that day. Pity.
One with the cousin, who is a Not a Celtic fan.
Our night ends with Lee sending us back to our hotel, Z Hotel. It is very convenient because it is just near the George's Square.
The next day, we strolled around Glasgow city, window shopping mostly, before our flight out back to London.
Til the next one!