
Aku masih dalam tercari-cari apa yang aku nak buat dalam hidup.

Kalau lah ambil gambar & edit gambar boleh bagi duit yang besar...
Malaysia masih belum di tahap itu...

Anyway, I'm ready to go back to photography.
Sape nak amik outdoor pre-wed or fun shoot out?


  1. nak! the latter la hehe

    p/s: im still blur about what i really want to do too :)

  2. I read ur writings.
    I am in ur writings.
    So like me..
    I am so like u and I like u.
    Like ur writings too..
    Thumbs up..go on writing,
    I am here with u girl,
    reading every single word
    and getting to know u better.
    salam kenal dari akak hani.
