Hari ni, lagi sorang member aku kawin.
Aku tak pegi pun..tak diajak, tak mau la tunjuk muka.
Mak aku ajak, tapi bila pk balik..tak apa lah. Segan. Hehe.
Anyway, bercakap pasal kahwin ni...
It's a pressure + a journey to look forward to.
Pressure sebab my family dah mula take an interest nak buat kat dewan.
Aku...seboleh2nya nak mengelak buat kat dewan.
It's not like saving cost ke apa...
Aku memang tak nak buat wedding dalam dewan.
I' not so fond of the dean decoration, too much hassle nak sewa dewan pastu nak cari caterer and somewhat
Pada aku, kalau nak sangat buat kat dewan...
Cari hotel or dewan yang really berkualiti macam Merak Kayangan, Dewan Perdana, etc.
Pay once, and you don't have to worry.
The decorations will be superb, that's their guarantee.
Aku nak buat kat rumah.
Sebab aku suka places yang tak susah nak decorate and it will look nice.
Pelamin pun terletak..takde so much empty spaces.
It remains there long enough for me to appreciate.
And most important thing, photographer can have many creative solutions bila buat kat rumah.
Gambar pun nampak lebih lawa.
Adik aku kata aku tradisional kampung sebab nak buat kat rumah.
Well, you don't know what you are missing.
Someone said, "Hantaran banyak-banyak, tapi nak buat kat rumah je?"
Aku tak rasa kalau hantaran aku RM33 ribu pun aku akan agree buat kat dewan.
I will say this instead, "I want to do kat rumah, kalau you guys nak buat kat dewan, go ahead. Buat lagi satu reception kat dewan yang I will not fund. You can invite all your friends to the reception kat dewan. I will stick to the plan buat kat rumah, even if it's small."
People will also say, "Ala, kahwin sekali je. This is your big day."
Betul tu. So, I want my day to be perfect both from people's eyes and on photographs.
But...even talking about it is no use.
Bila entah aku nak kawin pun tak sure lagi.
Tarikh pun takde. There is not even a slight indications pun.
But aku ok with this. Relax...tunggu FF habis Master.
It's a journey, so no rush.
At least, belum lagi.
Aku pun taktau if aku dapat mempertahankan pendapat untuk tak buat kat dewan.
I will stick to home reception if takde orang boleh prove yang reception kat dewan can be as stunning as home or hotel.
I will wait until someone can prove me on this.
p/s: Hari tu ada sorang minah ni..insisted nak buat reception kat hotel because...it looks VIP-ish. (*what!* rolling eyes)
Resep No Knead Sausage And Cheese Bread
5 years ago
for those who have savings as high as the mountain would probably opt for hotels..coz everything will be done for you..from A to Z..no worries..cantik semestinya..tapi kalau harga dia sampai sama dengan sebijik rumah teres..its a total waste i wud say..duk dalam hall tu kejap je..duit melayang in a few hrs..kalau boleh bawak pelamin balik takpe jugak kan..huhu
ReplyDeletei'm having it at home..used to dream having a reseption at a hotel..but pikir2 balik..i rather buat kat umah saje..penat berkali ganda but its all worth it..:)
i understand where ur coming fr..kite pun kalo bleh nak wedding yg simple and sweet..and very personal..
ReplyDeletehotel weddings can be overrated, to me..pengantin masuk, pengantin duduk, pengantik keluar...dewan pun lebih kurang..
tapiiii buat kat rumah kurang convenient kot...satu lg, panas sayang!! nnt mekap cair hikhik..
sooo if ada org nk sponsor buat kat hotel atau dewan jst go for it i guess! jgn la buat kecil2an sgt lg...nnt tak jemput kitorang plak ! hehe
haih..nk kawen punya pasal,mcm2 bnda kena pk kan?
ReplyDeleteni baru psl tempat.
dh makin dekat dgn tarikh nanti lg la segala tok nenek benda kena pikir..
tu yg org tua2 ckp "kawen ni bkn bnda senang"
nway,aku sokong pendirian ko utk buat kt umah je.
tp klu parents ko nk jemput smpai 3-4ribu org mmg kena buat kt dewan gakla..
nadya: well..i've always dreamt of a house reception..bcoz i have lots of things in mind to do at home..
ReplyDeletewith flowers deco and some sort..i wanted to do all the dirty work!
some dewan, u have to sewa first, caterer pon kene carik sendiri, deco pelamin and all sort pon kene buat sendiri...which is same je buat kat rumah
sue: i just think that dewan reception is a bit of a bore..pengantin masuk dewan,makan2 sikit,duduk kat pelamin about few minutes, and then turun kat dewan and balik.
being org johor, i want that event where u baling duit+beras+gula2 to the kids and they all berebut who have the most money they can gather.
tu baru meriah!
anon: well, takkan la my parents nak ajak smpi beribu kot..
the most i would say..about 1000? tapi even if i agree nak buat kat dewan, i think i will still buat kat rumah. a small-ish reception..maybe for my friends only..
ahhh...time will tell.
i'm not even getting married next year..n here fretting already on the preparation!
can i just nikah? without any biggie on the reception?
aku buat kat rumah sbb duit aku x cukup utk buat kat dewan (jujur - sifat mulia).
ReplyDeletelagipun aku nakkan suasana santai.
aku nak time aku jalan dengan isteri nak masuk rumah, aku boleh angkat tangan gelak2 dengan kawan2 yg tengah makan (perangai)
btw ilynn, tabur duit tu orang panggil hambur @ ambor2 la.
ReplyDeleteade ke tabur duit.
x johor la lu ni.
ps - aku pun nak ambor2 gek. 5 sen 100 keping sudah.
Waa, lama gile tak singgah sini..moga ilynn sihat2 hendaknya..:)emm, oleh kerana lynn seorang photographer mmg tahu camne susahnya nak dapat angle yg cantik kat dewan kan..kita berfikir sama..mmg kalau boleh takmo buat kat dewan..bukan sbb duit tapi sbb keselesaan dirumah dan bleh buat persediaan rapi berbanding kat dewan..
ReplyDeletepernah ada member buat kat dewan..dewan tu dalam sehari sampai 3 kenduri kahwin..member datang lewat je dah masuk majlis kahwin org lain,huhu..nightmare..
seeloknya bincanglah sebaiknya dengan tunang tersayang dan family..vote buat kat umah!! hehe..
i think buat kat rumah is the best..its ur home where uhavelots of fond memories..plus..traditional?? well when u do it at home.u can have it just as u like..and its a lot love there! u have ur place..u'll be more comfy..u can show of ur hantaran..rare to see people doing their wedding at home..most of it bnyk dkt dewan..dkt dewan..people come..people go..sungguh tak mesra..and the pengantin..where to sit?? u can have it for a while then there's next wedding where people going to use it..u wont have enough time to treasure the moment..at our home is the best..one ay u can tell ur grandchildren.."sinilah atuk kawen dulu" while showing off ur picture..hehe
ReplyDeletehi ili! hmm somehow familiar lah wedding yg sorg tu =p. awk invited laa! ade ke tak dtg. we invited the whole family kottt???
ReplyDeleteanywayyy, i had to agree with you la. I prefer kenduri dkt rumah as well, just mine tak boleh buat besar2 because of some reasons such as space, etc and also parking! so that's why i insisted my nikah shud be at home, and not dkt masjid coz i still want to be able to have the homey feeling hehe.
and another thing, mine pn bkn dkt dewan because we still wanted to have that "bebas" atmosphere where everyone can walk around the majlis, tegur sapa org meja lain and all that. plus boleh buat bising! kalau kt dewan, mcm2 mana pn kena ade protokol. tak syok laa. guests pn susah nk jumpa pengantin.
and ili, make sure u have a say in planning a wedding. i know it's selfish tp u wudnt want to have a wedding nnt pstu dlm hati itu ini tak puas hati kan?
good luck! ;)
bojed: jed..time angkat tangan gelak2 masuk umah blom perangai lagi huhuhuhu
ReplyDeletebojed: bojed lagi...ambor2 ke...aku tak ingat la.
Hehe...kalo 5 sen 100 keping pun xde orang nak rebut
ntah2 semua duk tepi nengok je...=P
budak2 zaman sekarang memilih..xmcm kite dulu..chehhhh
acai: kite suke kalau acai singgah. =D alhamdulillah baik2 je skrg..
mmg semua yg acai ckp tu betul belaka hehe
selesa, rapi, cantik, ada orang impian kawin nak buat kat hotel..kite, nak wat kat umah =)
anon: well, kalau hantaran tu masa nikah je kan boleh show off...heheheheh
ReplyDeletebut then for reception, i just wanted it very personal. kalau dewan, we wont be able to see everybody and org makan je, trus balik..
i want to be able to have a perfect picture of my wedding day..n to have that, sila buat dekat rumah =D
twisted-lullaby: oh sarah ke ni!! SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU!!
best tak dh kawin ni? ;) heehehhehe
i heard from my mom about the suasana semua...mesti best kan.
waahhh...dtg naik cruise lagi!
well...if you'd like to know, masa tunang hrtu, byk yg my mom xsuke..but it's my tunang day..so it's my say!
hopefully i can repeat that as well mase kawin!
anyway..nanti dh ade baby..i predict maybe around 3 months time msti dh ade...sile la bgtau ye!
ilynn..klu ble jgn just nikah without any biggie sbbnye zaman skang ni ramai org yg suke bercakap belakang.
ReplyDeletekang org ingat kena tangkap basah lak sbb kawin simple sgt.
tp kalau mampu nk butakan mata n pekakkan mata boleh je..eheh!
heh? apo anon ckp nih. anyway ili, kite pun cam consider that i might have to do kat dewan or sth utk my parents' friends..tp bab susah nak mingle tu i totally agree, tht's why i told my bf i'm gonna try to make it informal lah (which his mom wud totally kill me for lol). i dono if it's possible but i dunno why there "a certain way" to do receptions. ada undang2 meh hihi. but yeahh it's a long way to go...miss u!
ReplyDeleteish ili! jgn predict 3 bln lg! tak ready lg ni... honeymoon betul2 pn belum haha! anyway, thanks! tu laa rugi tak dtg, ramai bdk skolah dtg mcm gathering pulak hehe
ReplyDeleteoh ur wedding nnt make sure u hv ur say, sgt2 important. nsb baik my parents tolerate ngn i hihi
p/s kawin best! baik kawin cpt2. jgn tangguh lama2 =p
anon: haha..it's just so hard eh kawin ni. i mean kawin is supposedly akad je,,n then maybe buat kenduri sikit2..but the adat n all makes it so hard.
ReplyDeletebut then..im ready for getting the preparation.
i'm even ready to do all the dirty work!
for me, if i do it, i'll be more satisfied n i feel that it's all worth it!
sue: sue, like what sarah say..you have to let you have your own say! that, i totally agree with her.
i fought with my mom a lot during the course of my engagement preparation because i want things my way...but im glad i have my say.
why? bcoz i feel TOTALLY satisfied with my engagement n the rest of my family is too!
so, if i'd have my say, i may have a small reception at home n one in the dewan (if it's truly what my parents want)
sarah: alaaa...masa honeymoon tu la br ronggeng btol2...hahahahhaha
well, so far we have no preparations lg..so..tggu la next year.
n i would definitely have my say! =D
kawin mmg best...n hopefully life after kawin pun will be as great as the ceremony hehe
wanna get married soon..but takpe la. tggu dulu..nak settlekan all the material things first =)