My Doa for today
These days I have found solace in You. You are my guidance, You are my light.
Constantly I turn to you, praying the words of mercy to You.
In You, I found peace, and Home.
Everyday I strive to be good and everyday I am battling with bad side.
And whenever the bad wins against my good self, I feel that I have indeed failed You.
And I turn to You again, asking for forgiveness, asking you to purify my heart, my black heart.
Ya Rabb, forgive me.
I am just a tiny microscopic person living amongst other people worthy of Your attention.
Yet you still blessed me with a lot. You blessed me with extraordinary parents, an amazing husband, beautiful clever girls and the materialistic stuff we have now. My gratitude to You will never be enough. Thank you Allah!
My Rabb, keep me in this faith and guide me to strengthen my faith towards You. Do not lead me astray, push me forward and not backwards.
Lead my family to You, guide us to elevate our faith so that we can finally taste the sweetness of Imaan.
O Allah, we are upon Your mercy. Tie our hearts to You for eternity.