mari buat duit!

Tup tap tup tap.

Dah bulan 9.
Puasa bermula.
Lepas puasa, raya.
Sekejap jugak rasa masa berlalu.

Bulan 10 tiba, FF akan habis MBA.
Tak sabar betul!

Ya Allah, dalam 3 bulan lagi, setahun sudah aku menjadi tunangan FF.
Bila agaknya aku nak kawin ni ek?
Aku ternanti untuk bersama FF setiap hari, setiap masa.
Tapi...aku nervous jugak.
Sebab hidup aku takkan sama macam sekarang.
Tapi..surely lebih bermakna sebab bila balik kerja, kita tahu yang ada orang menunggu kita di rumah....
Eeeee...bestnye!!! Ihik! =P

Ah, aku banyak bercerita tentang diri sendiri!
Anyway, berita yang kira menarik perhatian aku sekarang ni...
Tentang kebangkitan Anwar semula.
Setiap suratkhabar asyik tentang pergolakan politik yang berlaku sekarang ni.
Hari tu, sebelum Anwar menang, Najib sibuk cakap, "Anwar takkan menang bla bla bla"
Bila dah menang, "It proves democracy is still alive"
BS and triple BS.
Aku cuma curious on one thing though.
How far can Anwar clean BN's shit after he take over?
Tapi..dia belum pun take over lagi.
Dan..aku nak tunggu je. Wait and see the political warzone dalam Malaysia ni.
Entah apa nak jadi, aku pun tak tau.

One thing for certain, the rich keep getting richer and the poor, will still be poor.
(FF, ada kaitan ke ni?)


  1. "how far Anwar can clean BN's shit after he takes over" <--- that is BS and triple BS!

    BN is far from being a saint (too much politicking but not so much helping the ppl)...but Anwar is even further away

  2. Ili, jgn lupa perjanjian kita...kasi kite tunang dulu please ahahahha :P

    and psl politics msia tu, bagus kot kite dpt tgk variety in our govt, tgk sape leh do more than cakap tak serupa bikin. i don't hv faith in any parties pun now. rase cam sume money/power minded jer. tp takpela...pasni leh buat "informed" decision. ye dak? hehe

    TUNGGU KITE TUNANG DULU OK! no kawen2. nehi2. dok diam2. FF gi main jauh2.. shooh

  3. "How far can Anwar clean BN's shit after he take over?"

    Duhh Yana.. How clean is Anwar then ? Tu la.. for those youngsters out there..don't just follow the trait ok.. open your eyes bigger, neutralise your hearing, look into a bigger perspective and the important thing is THINK !! This is not only about politics.. but whom we choose to determine the wellbeing of our own country, race and RELIGION..

  4. ilynn..nak jd photog for my wedd x?
    (if available la)

  5. dean: it's interesting to see the politic warzone now...but seriously, it makes me despise BN even more

    bojed: jawapan biase: tnye FF. =)

    sue:when r u gonna tunang? you better tell me dulu then bole ckp dgn FF.
    ni tgh tggu FF abis masters, then br bole decide mcm mane. bile the date n lain2.
    and good news is: I tgh survey2 utk coming org lain would say, it;s better to prepare as early as a year prior to your coming wedding!
    so...u better tell me the date of you tunang dulu! hehehehhe

  6. cik ul: hehe..tapi memang, mane ade politic yang bersih pon.
    last, we're stuck in a situation yg xde sape pun bole convince us. yg kite undi2 tu pun, maybe sebab we're hopeful..but thing is, do we have absolute trust to the party yg kite undi tu?

    nadya: nadya, i'd be glad to! btu i do have to know the date =) mane tau ade org lain dh book dulu...
